Delivery Information
- EU COUNTRIES delivery time is 14-16 working days. In some EU countries, delivery time is a lot less. All EU orders are shipped from our BELGIUM Warehouse Facilities. Once your order is processed via our EU facilities you will get an automated message with a valid tracking number.
- UK Orders - We aim to provide 2-3 day delivery for all UK orders. If the order is placed before 12:00 hrs there is a possibility of getting it within 48 hours.
- Expedited Delivery UK can be selected for the next delivery at checkout. This service is only available for the UK mainland and orders placed before 12:00 hrs. Next-day service applies to working days only - orders are processed and delivered on working days only.
- International Orders (outside the UK) usually take 5-12 working days. We have advanced our warehousing facilities to expedite our shipping times. Our fulfilment operations are located in the UK, EU, and USA.
- USA Delivery time is 6-8 working days. All USA orders and shipped from our Florida warehouse facilities. We use USPS and FedEx for a hassle-free delivery to our customers.
- AUS/NZW Delivery time is 10-14 working days.
- We deliver WORLDWIDE so if you can’t find the postage information OR rates to your destination please send us your inquiry by Contacting Us.